I am thinking a kiddie camera for a four year old. I am looking for something with really simple design that just lets him point and shoot. The fewer functions, the better. Preferably with no built-in games. Ideally, it would be just a box with a single large button but I am OK with something more complicated as long as it won't frustrate a 4 year old. Does a thing like that exist? I found a lot of options for slightly older children with mostly just too many small buttons. My main criterion is simplicity - a big obvious button to press, no built-in games, no touch screen if possible. A pleasing design would be a plus. I have searched Amazon and googled "toddler cameras" to no avail - they do advertise models for 3-10 year olds but they just do not seem simple enough to me (maybe I'm wrong?). Do you have ideas?
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