Last minute Christmas

last minute gift and travel ideas for Christmas


Gift ideas for the active octogenarian?

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It's COVID times, and normally my brother and I get our Dad gift certificates for Christmas. What do we get him this year? Usually we buy him certificates for a stay at the coast, and some for local restaurants. Of course, currently, and for many many months to come, he's likely doing neither. He is healthy and active - walks daily, was at my place chainsawing up a huge tree that fell in a windstorm recently, so by no means housebound, but being cautious due to COVID.

He likes nature photography and has some interest in waterfowl hunting and fishing, though he doesn't actively do either anymore, and loves Alaska. Any great books you'd recommend, humor or outdoor adventure type stuff that might appeal (he liked Patrick McManus)? Any amazing camera gear that he'd enjoy? He's very handy - any cool tools you can recommend? I am stumped on what to get him, and he's a great father.

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